SSI Published Papers
"A New Look at Cogeneration Systems For Electricity and Desalinated Water: Economy and Design Features.” Presented and Published at the National Water Supply Improvement Assn. (NWSIA) proceeding, Washington DC.
"The Efficient Production of Desalinated Seawater In Steam Turbine Based Cogeneration." Presented and Published at the International Desalination Association proceeding, Manama, Bahrain Conference.
"Cogeneration Systems: Alternatives and Selection" Published at the International Cogen Society, Los Angeles Conference.
"Gas Turbine Based Cogeneration: An Efficient Means of Utilizing Fuel at 66% Combined Cycle Efficiency." Presented and Published in conference proceeding of NWSIA, Hawaii Conference.
"Seawater Desalination from Biomass & Refuse Fuels" Presented and Published at the International Desalination Ass., Madrid Conference, Spain, 1997.
"Wood waste Fired Cogeneration Plants, A Future Source of Energy". Presented & Published at the International Cogeneration Society proceeding, Houston Conference, October.
"How to Improve the Economics and Efficiency of Seawater Desalination Plants". Presented at the Los Angeles Power Association, March 2000.
"Seawater Desalination Integration with Cogeneration Systems and Power Plants". Presented at the Los Angeles Power Producers Association, April 1991.
ICS, Cogeneration World Magazine, titled "Cogeneration for Cheap Water."
Desalination : California Perspective” presented, at the meeting arranged by the law office of Milbank & Tweed For Project Finance, New York Office, June 1992.
Desalination Plant Integration with Cogeneration Systems for EOR/Commercial/Industrial Applications", published at NWSIA Biennial Conference on Desalting and Recycling, August 1992.
Simple Cycle and Combined Cycle Plants Integration with Seawater Desalination Plants: IEEE Conference Presentation, Los Angeles.
"The Concept of Desalination Plant Privatization, BOOT: Feasibility, Financial Approach, and Contract Structuring to Minimize Risk”. In progress, is being prepared for presentation and publication.
General Note:
SuperSystems’ Projects, News, and Business Activities Were Published in some 60 American, Mexican, and Middle Eastern Magazines and Newspapers.