Combined Power Seawater Desalination
Desalination and Water Shortages
There are several places in the world where war could erupt over a dwindling supply of clean water from shared water resources. As one nation after another finds itself reaching its water resource limits, the potential for conflict among them intensifies. Add to already scarce reserves pollution of the water source, and the global picture appears menacing . There is little disagreement that the shortage of fresh water, is for many nations the national security issue of the twenty-first century *. Actually currently in the arid Middle East and North Africa , the dwindling of shared water allocation from rivers and lakes, many countries are threatening to take military action against each other *. (*copied from “Niveen Tadros” paper at Northwestern Law School Journal.
It is worth mentioning that combining power with seawater desalination” in a “Dual Purpose Facility” (PDF) or in a “Multi-Purpose Facility” (MPF) are, at the present time, considered an important source for the simultaneous production of drinking water and electrical energy for many utilities, islands, Middle East and other countries around the world.
What About SuperSystems, Inc. (SSI)
Having over 30 years of experience in the Middle East and about 20 other countries, SSI is a recognized leaders in stand-alone cogeneration, stand-alone seawater desalination, and the simultaneous production of electricity and drinking (or DI water) in a Dual Purpose Facility (DPF) or in a Multi Purpose Facility (MPF).
The “MPF” however, is a relatively new technology. The “MPF” would simultaneously produce (and could be made available for sale) desalinated -drinking- water, KWH, steam, chilled & hot water (for HVAC), and high purity distilled water for boiler MU, and sale to pharmaceutical and Chomical industries. The “MPF” is perfect to a near by tourism village, industrial park, and to certain oil industry.
Thermal, electrical and water load profiles are the key for plant sizing and economy. SSI would optimize the load profiles.
SuperSystems, Inc. (SSI) would utilize a simple cycle, combined cycle, or diesel units for the power portion of the facility in case gas or oil are available. In case biomass and other solid waste are the main fuels available, SSI would consider fluidized bed boiler- based- technology (or in some cases a gasification unit) for the electrical generation plant.
In case natural gas and oil are not available as the main fuel for the power section of the “ DPF”, or the “MPF” , SSI has many years of very extensive experience in utilizing other fuel sources such as biomass, agriculture waste, coal, bagasse, wood -waste, sawdust, nuts shells, shredded tires and any combinations of these fuels, provided they will be delivered to the facility site by others. Please refer to SSI website for experience with biomass and other solid fuels
SuperSystems, Inc. (SSI) is mainly a firm of consulting engineers, project developers and co-financing practicing in California since 1986. We provide engineering services, feasibility studies, environmental permits for power and water, equipment specifications, site arrangement, process flow diagrams, heat & mass balance diagrams, plant optimization, capex & opex, bid evaluation, start up and testing, and develop projects related to above mentioned areas of technologies.
Regarding SuperSystems’ Combined Power Seawater Desalination Facilities, please refer to the “List of Projects” shown below or under “About Us”
Our Projects make a difference in the world.

“It all begins with an idea.
May be you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
Combined Power Seawater Desalination - Selected List of SSI Projects
19.8 MW/2.5 MMGD (million Gallons per Day) Combined Power Seawater facility (PDF), oil fires, La Paz, Mexico. A “JV” with San Diego Gas &Electricity (SDG&E) and PCL of Canada. BOOT/Privatization Project
19.8 MW/2.5 MMGD Combined Power Seawater Facility (PDF), oil fires, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. A “JV” with SDG&E and PCL of Canada. BOOT/Privatization Project
20 MW/2.5 MMGD Combined Power Seawater Desalination Facility, oil fires, Waikiki, Hawaii. A “JV “with SDG&E and PCL of Canada. BOOT/Privatization Project
2x25 MW with 10 MMGD Proposal, gas fired, LADWP JV with National Energy Systems; Preliminary engineering/detailed financial estimates
Integrating 20/30 MMGD seawater desalination with 250 MW Repowering Facility for LADWP Harbor Power Plant. Preliminary engineering and detailed cost estimates.
Integrating 20 MMGD desalination facility with LADWP Haynes Power Plant, Seal Beach, California
480 MW with 7.5 MMGD, Detailed engineering design for the Royal Commission of Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
1200 MW, with 200 MMGD “Master Plan” for Jubail Industrial Complex, Royal Commission of Saudi Ar.
Integrating 30 MMGD brackish water desalination facility with 1200 MW Etiwanda Power Plant for San Bernardino Industrial Park, CA for Southern California Edison (SCE)
Juhaimah Refinery Desalination Facility Feasibility Study, Saudi Arabia performed as an employed engineer with Bechtel Power, San Francisco, CA.*
Consulting & engineering services for the design of Assir Desalination Power Plant (for Bechtel)*
250 MW with 20 MMGD seawater desalination – “JV” with Dar El Handasa, a bidding proposal, MSF type desalination facility with power plant for Maskat, Oman.
320 MW with 30 MMGD seawater desalination (MED type), JV with SDG&E, Tampa, Florida
5 years O&M for SWCC, Saudi Arabia includes 25 seawater desalination units of various sizes and two power plants utilizing “Bunker C” heavy liquid as the main fuel.
SuperSystems, Inc “SSI”, was awarded a contract from the Bureau of Reclamation, Denver office, to perform a research and investigate “The Construction of Integrating a Pilot Seawater Desalination Plant with Cogeneration Facility in Southern California”
Study the cost of supplying and installation two gas turbine units, 25 MW each, Najran power plant, Saudi Arabia, by Rajab & Silsilah through Dames & Moore Co.